
FastCod can efficiently compute the diffusion-based connectivity feature between brain regions. It is a open-source tool and written in python. If you use diffusion-weighted MRI and tractography in your research or clinical practice, this tool can possibly save you lots of time!


Key features:

  • Over 30x speedup than traditional method on computing connectivity
  • Run from command line, server-friendly
  • Easy to work with MRtrix3, fsl, and freesurfer
  • Flexible pipeline design: you can flexibly run one, several, or whole pipline: dMRI preprocessing, tractography, align with anatomical images, computing connectivity
  • Super-resolve ability: you can get high-res connectity features even if you are dealt with low resolution dMRI (e.g., 2mm\(^3\))
  • Multiple visualization tools for QA

For more information, please refer to our publications.


Dec 12, 2022 :loudspeaker: The first version of FastCod is launched!


  1. SPIE-MI
    FastCod: Fast Brain Connectivity in Diffusion Imaging
    Zhangxing Bian, Muhan Shao, Jiachen Zhuo, and 3 more authors
    In Medical Imaging 2023: Image Processing 2023